• What is Telehealth?

    Telehealth, also known as “telemedicine,” or in physical therapy’s case, “tele-rehab,” is a way to provide medical services remotely over the phone, via a video platform, or through secure messaging with your provider. It is a convenient and effective way to deliver medical services that do not require an in-person appointment. As we have seen through the covid-19 pandemic, we are able to deliver many services remotely in a safe and effective manner. This is becoming a more popular choice due to the convenience of its delivery and widespread reach.

  • How is it used at Roadrunner PT?

    Roadrunner uses a secure and HIPPA-compliant telehealth platform through a company called Jane App. When you schedule an appointment, a message will be sent to you via e-mail with a provided link to click, which will allow you to enter the platform. If you choose to talk over the phone for your appointment or have questions, Roadrunner has a HIPPA-compliant option through Google Voice. Simply call or text the business number and connect with your provider.

  • Are there location restrictions to where physical therapy services can be provided?

    Yes. Misha is licensed in Montana, California, Nevada, and Arizona. She is restricted to seeing clients in those states for telehealth services. There are no location restrictions to strength & conditioning or coaching/consulting services for clients.

  • How does physical therapy work remotely?

    A remote appointment will include the same parameters as an in-person appointment, but without requiring the “hands-on” of the physical therapist. A thorough dive into your medical and injury history will be taken, as well as observation of active movements to show your range of motion, strength, and pain patterns. Education on your given injury will be discussed with time to ask questions. Appropriate guidance on the injury will be provided including exercise modifications and implementation.

  • What do I need for an online appt?

    For online appointments, it is important to have the following:

    1) A reliable internet connection.

    2) A quiet space without people you do not want overhearing medically sensitive information.

    3) A space to stand and move.

    4) A camera that is adjustable and stable (in order to see how you are moving).

    5) Google chrome works best for tele-health appointments through Jane App.

  • Why does Roadrunner PT choose cash pay only?

    Physical therapists accepting cash are out-of-network providers who do not contract with any insurances. This means more time one-on-one with clients and less dictating of services from insurance companies. Physical therapists must operate within their scope of practice even if accepting cash, but have less time constraints to see clients. Through many years of practice, the most prevalent complaint is not having enough time with the physical therapist. Roadrunner wishes to change that with a cash pay model.

  • I have insurance, can I still use it?

    Yes you can. Out-of-network providers will write up an itemized bill that is called a “superbill” and you can submit it to insurance for reimbursement. The reimbursement is dependent upon your insurance and its coverage for physical therapy services. it is important to contact your insurance regarding the specifics of physical therapy coverage for an out-of-network provider prior to your appointment.

  • I have Medicare, can I use it?

    To put it simply, an out-of-network physical therapist is not contracted with Medicare, and they cannot opt out of Medicare either. This means a therapist is not contracted with Medicare, and cannot bill or receive payment from Medicare. They also cannot receive cash from services Medicare would consider medically necessary and reasonably cover. A provider may accept cash in instances where Medicare would not reimburse for services such as preventative, wellness, or sports performance.

  • How do I schedule with Roadrunner PT?

    You can find scheduling on Roadrunner’s website under the tab “schedule.” This will bring you to the HIPPA-compliant medical software, Jane App. Providers will be listed. Select the provider you wish to see. A list of offered services, and associated pricing by the selected provider will populate. Select your desired treatment choice. Time availability on the provider’s schedule will populate. Choose your preferred time.

    Roadrunner will send you reminders of your choice through text or emailing. Important intake paperwork will be e-mailed, and is needed prior to your appointment time for best treatment to occur.

  • How does Roadrunner PT accept payment?

    On the last step of scheduling, Jane App will ask for a preferred credit card to be stored securely on file for appointments. This card will be processed at the time of your appointment with more time being spent on you, and less on securing payment during an appointment.

  • How does Roadrunner PT share exercises?

    Roadrunner PT utilizes a software called Physitrack. This allows you to download an app called Physiapp. Here the client is able to receive all exercises via video, including sets & reps, pain and feedback, and messaging. It allows your provider to track your pain and exercise trends. Jane App seamlessly integrates with Physitrack where video exercises and images with written instructions can also be sent to the email you provide on file.

  • Is Physiapp free?

    Physiapp is free to all. A unique code will be sent to you from your provider which will allow you to download and get started. Exercises provided by Misha will be uploaded here.

  • I'd like to see a physical therapist in-person, can you help me?

    Of course! At any point, if we feel an in-person appt would be better suited given medical, insurance, or other reasons, I am happy to point you in the right direct of what providers to see.